Thursday 12 February 2015

Daring To Dare

Oleh Soultari Amin Farid

Maya Angelou said “I believe that the most important single thing, beyond discipline and creativity is daring to dare.”

Today marks my 6th month away from my island home. 1/2 a year has gone and life here has continuously been enriching for me. The Euro/Morrocco trip was truly a blessing in disguise (I only planned to travel around France but somehow landed in exotic ol'Marrakech). Alot of opportunities are beginning to come my way and I can only be so thankful to Allah SWT for giving me such blessings.

Looking forward to next month. Reunited with some friends from Norway. I think the sight of them will add even more cheer to the French team here. Yey! haha!

I miss home definitely. Missed the weddings of one of my cousins and a few students. Now, my heart aches a little more knowing that DIAN Dancers is having another production this coming March as well. But it is okay other opportunities will come, In Sha Allah.

One take away from this journey thus far? Daring to dare. I have opened up my mind to many things, explored other genres of dance and travelled to many lands. The amount of knowledge so far has enriched me to no end. Motivated even more.

Enjoy this video that was recorded at Gourdon in another region of France. The mountain ranges here are spectacular. The nature here in Europe is truly very inspiring and I hope to reflect it in my future works.

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