Saturday 25 October 2014

Conscious In The Unconscious

By Soultari Amin Farid

I found it interesting that during one of our classes when we were asked to provide some words to describe dance, which we would eventually translate in French, none of my classmates and mentioned "the body".

We were very engrossed in talking about dance of being in a state of transcendence, its ephemeralness and its emotive function. But we, probably, must have seen dance beyond its physicality that to an extent we, without realising it, have casted aside the one "vehicle" which allows us to create that movement.

And I find this "occurrence" to be something interesting, although commonplace. As artists, sometimes, when we dance we regard the body as a medium, or a tool, to transport us to that experience which once engulfed within it only then would we consider ourselves "to dance".

I personally think that utilising our body and moving does not constitute dance - not enough. I believe there is something more and it usually involves going "beyond the self" which the body is main component of.

That state of being conscious in the unconscious. Hmm...

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